Forest Rehabilitation

Trees for Kenya work with communities living adjacent forest in establishment of nurseries where different species of tree seedlings are raised and planted in forest lands. Our organization also carry

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Schools Fruit Orchard

Trees for Kenya is introducing food forest projects inĀ  Kenyan schools . This project is aimed at providing school kids with fruits through out the year. Different fruit tree species

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Trees for Kenya work with schools across the country nurturing them to grow as environmentalist. Our organization supports planting of trees in schools with schools pupils. Different tree species are

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Trees for Kenya work with farmers from Meru,Tharaka Nithi and Embu Counties to plant fodder trees for livestock development. The fodder leaves improve milk production from 45% to 65% and

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To reduce emission of black carbon which is generated by communities through use of open fire cooking or three stone fire place. Trees for Kenya work with communities by supplying

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Trees for Kenya work with farmers across the country to implement a food forest project aimed at supplying farmers with fruits through out the year and also improve their livelihoods.

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