David Kinyua
Program Manager
David is very dedicated to the work of Environmental Conservation
Program Manager
David Kinyua has joined Trees for Kenya this year 2020 has Program Manager. He undertook a Diploma course in Agriculture and Biotechnology from Bukura Agricultural College in Bungoma Kenya. His motivation came from his father who was working with the Ministry of Agriculture. David started his career in the year 2014 with Christian based NGO African Christian Church and Schools (ACC&S) in partnership with Canadian Food Grain Bank (CFGB) where he worked in the capacity of Field Extension Officer in implementation of food security programme in Embu.
In the year 2019 David joined Mt. Kenya Environmental Conservation in partnership with International Trees Foundation (ITF) to further his profession career in capacity of livelihoods officer to coordinate a livelihoods program that supported growing of fruit trees with community members in Embu.
Currently David is working with Trees for Kenya a registered NGO in Kenya in capacity of program manager. He is currently in charge of supervising forest restoration, agroforestry and greening school programmes.